Event Hire Brisbane
Event Hire Brisbane

150th Birthday of the 2nd/14th Lighthorse Regiment

Lighthorse Regiment Birthday Party

Last November we were delighted to be invited to help the famous 2nd/14th Lighthorse Regiment (Queensland Mounted Infantry) celebrate their 150th birthday at the RNA Showgrounds.  The 2nd/14th Lighthorse Regiment (Queensland Mounted Infantry) is the oldest Australian regular army unit, tracing its lineage back to 1860. The current regiment was formed in 1930 by the merger of the 2nd Moreton Light Horse and the 14th Moreton Light Horse. The regiment fought in the Boer War, World War I and II and more recently has been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan.

The birthday party was also an opportunity to welcome home soldiers from active service in Iraq and Afghanistan where they had been serving since 2000.

Major Philip Lillibridge, who organised the event, said

“The event was a great success with 1100 people attending the ball. The food from Bretts Wharf was excellent – top quality and this was complemented by the fact we were able to make the most of the venue. The team at Excel Event Hire gave us some invaluable advice and feedback on the venue, which made it look spectacular for this very special event.”

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